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Chimney Cleaning Guide


Get a Chimney Sweep When Your Fireplace is Still Dirty

Get a Chimney Sweep When Your Fireplace is Still Dirty



DescriptionA chimney sweep is someone who cleans soot and ash out of chimneys. The chimney draws air above the hot burning coals or wood causing a warm draught that sending smoke billowing up into the air. Chimneys can be straight-lined or have many bends of direction. Cleaning and maintenance is quite difficult as the soot and ash is usually black with dirt attached to it


There are two main types of a chimney sweep and they are horizontal and vertical. A horizontal sweep is used when there is no flue as is with a flue and creosote buildup on the inside of the flue. This is a good method for cleaning and maintenance if you have a large chimney. A Chimney Sweep is the person that removes the soot and debris from the top and gets rid of the creosote buildup. You may view here for more information.


The basic equipment needed for this type of chimney cleaning is an electric copper, stainless steel brush, hose, wire brush, dustpan, broom, and disinfectant. Most rappers will have some sort of spray head to spray the cleaning agent onto the flue and other parts. Some also have a wand-like attachment that sweeps the entire length of the flue making sure to get in the creosote buildup. You don't want to miss any corners as you go to make sure everything is clean.


You want to remove all the dirt, grease, and debris from your chimney as you go along cleaning so there is not much chance for build-up. You should also inspect your chimney from time to make sure you haven't missed any areas that have creosote buildup. You can use the broom handle attachment to sweep the flue and other areas where you are certain you haven't reached yet. Make sure you are covering an area bigger than your fist. Read further, visit https://www.definitions.net/definition/chimney+sweep.


Before you let any of the creosote accumulate on your fireplace or chimney, you want to be sure you do a good sweep. After your sweep, take a wire brush and give each crevice a good brushing. This helps prevent any future buildup. If you notice any drips on the carpet or walls while sweeping, it's a good idea to run a damp towel over it to soak up any excess moisture before turning it back over to dry. It's important to sweep up any creosote before you put anything else back in the fireplace or chimney.


You don't have to have a chimney cleaning company from homepage come out to do the job for you. If you have a good broom and enough disposable coverings, you can do the sweep on your own. Just remember to use the same approach each time. Make sure you have the right tool for the right job and wear the right protective gear. You should be able to protect yourself and your family from serious injury if you are cleaning out your chimney on your own.

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